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How to Make the Most of the Winter Holidays

Cold days, cozy season, the end of year approaching…the winter holidays are officially here! It’s time to put the hectic schedules and never-ending deadlines aside and focus on rest, warmth and comfort. Looking after yourself should be at the top of your list this break. Eat well, sleep well and take time to do the things you enjoy.

Rest and Recharge

The winter holidays is the ideal time to catch up on all the things you’ve pushed to the side during term time. You can sleep in without guilt, savour cosy nights in and let your body and mind have some much needed time off. The winter holidays in particular is a unique period for rest because it is the one time of year where the whole country slows down and takes a break. Rest is essential for productivity and avoiding burn-out, so take this time to re-fill your cup!

Quality Time

Spend time doing things you enjoy outside of school. Whether that’s spending time with family and friends, playing sports or just binge watching shows, it’s important to take time to do the things you want to do. Quality time well spent is rejuvenating and exactly what you need to be able to come back refreshed in the new year.


As the year comes to an end, it is the perfect time to pause and reflect on everything that has happened and to look ahead at what’s next. The only way you can move forward efficiently is if you have taken the time to process everything that has already happened. Whether it’s where you’re at with each of your subjects, how you’re feeling about school in general or your personal life- now is the perfect time to reflect, journal and think about what you want to improve and focus on going forward.

Happy holidays!

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